Two of Blockchain's biggest Consortiums Just Joined Forces

Published on by Anna Moncorgé - updated on

Seismic shifts are happening in the world of enterprise blockchain...

Seismic shifts are happening in the world of enterprise blockchain.


Announced Monday, the Hyperledger Project and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) have agreed to collaborate on bringing common standards to the blockchain space and cross-pollinate a wider open-source community.

This joining of forces is notable as EEA and Hyperledger represent two of the three largest and arguably most influential enterprise blockchain communities, the third being the R3 Corda ecosystem.

If the team-up succeeds in creating common standards between the two platforms, it could sway enterprises previously on the fence to build their blockchains on one or the other, since the risk of creating new silos that don't talk to other systems is being addressed.


As EEA executive director Ron Resnick told coin desk : "The entreprises of the world are going to want to purchase solutions where they have a choice of multiples vendors"


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