TRUSTECH Conferences Day 2

Wednesday November 30

Published on by Stéphanie Dryander - updated on

  • Identification Solutions theme: Identities for governments
  • Innovative Payments theme : Digital Finance

Discover below the program of the conferences of Wednesday November 30!

Wednesday November 30 – Morning

  • The challenge of building the European Digital Ecosystem

Experts and stakeholders discuss the structuration of European data space into a digital ecosystem. DSA-DMA, sovereign cloud, unified framework for identity, cyber-resilience act, digital governance act: how the various initiatives and recent regulations shape the new digital Europe? What are the consequences for business organizations and individuals?

  • Are we ready for the Digital Euro Era? 

Digital money and Central Bank Digital Currencies are now emerging. What lessons do we have from the massive Chinese experience? What are the plans for the Dollar and Euro zones? Are we ready for a Digital Euros? How will we use and maintain our digital euros wallets? What will be the impact of Central Bank Digital Money on the existing scriptural money and cash?

  • Where is the race towards mobile wallets leading us? 

QR codes and mobile applications have introduced more structured e-wallet initiatives around the world? What are the key advantages of the e-wallet approach? Identity, payment, money, health transport: what will be the winner use-cases for these e-wallets? What are the limitations and opportunities of e-wallets for onboarding, authentications, and authorization policies? How do proximity and digital remote services co-exist?

  • Decentralised finance (deFi) and traditional banking: time for convergence?

Blockchain, crypto finance, and tokenized assets (as NFTs) are said to be the next revolution in the various financial markets but remain subject to volatility and important risks. So far “deFI” is being considered as a synonym of disintermediation for instance for investment, credit, or mortgage. However, more voices suggest cooperation. What are the factors that lead to convergence and how can it become effective?

Wednesday November 30 – Afternoon

  • Modeling Identity in compliance with individual rights

"Legal Identity for all" is a key symbol of the role of Identity for inclusion in social and economic development. Identity is also at the center of other core individual rights like privacy and security. What have we achieved so far in modeling Identity with individual rights? What are the next frontiers in ethics, rights, and human developments? What are the good practices or enlightening use cases that can inspire us?   

  • Why is AML policy leading today global corporate compliance? 

We are looking at the evolution of the AML/CFT regulation worldwide and in Europe in the context of increased compliance with risks in the corporate environment. Why is AML/CFT becoming central to the global risk and compliance strategy? Where is it headed to? What are the key orientations for corporate policy? How do countries' sanctions fit in?

  • The uncompromising debate of the year

Will modern technologies architectures such as SSI and blockchain free people from intermediation or on the opposite lock them into constrained logic and programmatic behaviours?

  • Electronic KYC for smart and automated compliance

How does the digitization of business processes and modern technologies such as remote ID verification, Artificial Intelligence, or delegated authentication lead to modern onboarding? How do they meet economic performance and smart risk management for better compliance policies? 

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